Hi everyone,
Here’s an opportunity for people who WANT TO RE-UNITE WITH A FORMER BEST FRIEND to figure out why your friendship went astray, and determine whether you should get things back on track, or put closure to the relationship once and for all – on a new show for Snapchat, Ex-BFF Court.
Details are below – as always, feel free to forward if you know someone who might be interested, and be sure to mention I sent you!
Good luck, have a great day, and don’t forget to dream big!
Jeffrey R. Gund
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We are searching for people who WANT TO RE-UNITE WITH A FORMER BEST FRIEND to figure out why your friendship went astray, and determine whether you should get things back on track, or put closure to the relationship once and for all.
* Want to mend a broken friendship?
* Wondering where it all went wrong?
We are here to help you repair and reunite with your EX-BFF over that one petty fight that ended everything.
EX-BFF COURT on Snapchat is casting a new comedic reality show, reuniting former best friends on a mission to figure out what exactly went wrong (did they never wash dishes, always had a new guy/girl over, ate all your food, etc.)… This show will be guided by a comedic, larger than life host, (think Judge Judy for feuding friends) seeking to glue back a broken friendship, offer a second chance – or at least offer some awkward closure thorough our EX-BFF court.
• “Success Ruined Friendship” – Have you or your friend changed? Has success or fame changed or ruined your friendship? Is your friend too self absorbed / narcissistic now? Maybe you/he/she blew up on Social Media or got a new job, got famous. Does your friend not have time and/or interest in the old friendship any more?
• “Roommate Problems” – Did moving in with your friend kill the friendship? Has your friend’s (or your) personal habits gotten in the way? Think food / Fridge issues, Money issues, etc. Maybe your friend had friends over too often or maybe it was a new BF / GF. You didn’t sign a lease with your friend AND their boyfriend.
• “Friends & Business Don’t Mix” – Did you get into a business relationship with your BFF and it ruined the friendship. Maybe things just aren’t the way they used to be!
• “Borrowed & Never Returned” – Did you or your friend borrow something and never return it, and now it ruined the friendship … or maybe it’s just not the same anymore.
• “Pets or Babies Ruined Friendship” – Did babies or Pets get in the way of friendship. Is it all your friend talks about any more? Tired of see his/her baby or pet on Instagram?! Dying to un-follow your BFF??? Maybe it’s not fun / the same when you hang out anymore… Think crazy cat lady, dog-lover (dog comes first now).
• “Your Friend’s Obsessed” – Has your friend (or you) turned into too much of a gamers, obsessed with astrology / numerology. Did your friend pick up vaping and he/she has to do it ALL the time? Maybe you can’t stand your BFF’s favorite band, and you can’t stand hearing the music! It’s all your friend talks about any more, and you’re sick of it.
• “Too _____ to Bring Around Anymore” – Is your friend too controlling, mean, insensitive or too sensitive? Maybe your friend is just too smart, flirty, manipulative, or passive aggressive? Do you have a BFF who is just always getting into debates or always crossing the line, and you just can’t bring him/her around any more? Maybe your BF is always a cock-block or a third wheel. Does he/she set too many rules or always late?!
• “The Mooch” – Do you have a friend that is always mooching? A glass of wine here and there, never ordering the uber, never puts money down when the bill comes, or always asking for a ride. Maybe you always do his/her homework, or maybe he/she is always asking for pro-bono favors.
• “Opposites Don’t Attract” – Are political differences getting in the way? Maybe it straight up ENDED the friendship and you want to mend it. Or maybe you want to clear the air, but have a civilized closure. Maybe its music preferences that are getting in the way?
• “Culture Getting in the Way” – Do you always feel like you are too much or not enough of 1 culture? Too Korean? Not enough Korean? … Jewish, Gay, Mexican, Gender, Italian, Etc. Do you feel accepted by your friends or not? Maybe you hav a BFF who seems to use his/her identity as a crutch?
• “Unfortunate Incident” – Did you or a friend let an“unfortunate” event break up the friendship. Maybe it was a mistake or an accident. Did your baby break your friend’s phone. Did your BFF’s cat pee in your luggage? His/Her Baby stain your favorite dress?
• “Texting Meltdown” – Did a miscommunication via text break up your friendship?
• “Other Friend Group” – Is your BFF hanging out with the other friend / group? Or Maybe you have a friend that is too territorial over friends?
REQUIREMENTS: You must be ages 18-29, based in the Southern California area and legal to work in the U.S. to be considered.
Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com , and email ALL the information requested below to:
Be sure to include:
1. Your name (first and last)
2. Age
3. Contact phone number
4. City/Zip where you live (must be SoCal area)
5. Occupation
6. In one sentence answer: “What happened between you and your EX-BFF, and do you want to mend the friendship / bring it back to the good days, OR are you looking for closure?“
7. Recent photo(s) of yourself (jpg format please)
8. Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com
9. Please send us a self-taped VIDEO (cell phone, hand-held, self-taped formats are all fine) answering the questions below in under 3 minutes:
(GUIDELINES – make sure you are well-lit, and hold the phone sideways/landscape when shooting).
In your Video, please tell us:
1) Your Name, Age, and Occupation
2) How did you first become friends?
3) How long were you friends for?
4) What made them your best friend?
5) Why/How did the friendship end?
6) Are you still in contact with them? When was the last time you two were in contact?
7) What do you miss most about them?
8) What would be the first thing you’d say to them when you see them again? What do you think they’d say to you?
9) Do you think you two could be best friends again? Why or why not?