The Los Angeles Fires – Where to Get Help / How to Provide Help

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Hi everyone,


I’m sending heartfelt wishes out to everyone affected by the fires in Los Angeles – it’s been truly devastating to watch, as I have friends who have lost their homes and valued possessions.   I hope you’re all staying safe, while doing what you can to help neighbors, friends, and your fellow citizens from our community.


I’d like to provide some information – not only for those directly affected by the fires to know where to get help, but also for all of us so we know how we can be of most help during these very trying times and events.




FEMA Fire Management Assistance Grant information:


Red Cross Assistance for Los Angeles Fire Victims:


LA Food Bank – Find Food at a Local Food Pantry Distribution Center:


There’s an App called WATCH DUTY (I believew for both iPhone and Android)

which provides info on Evacuation Shelters, as well as current maps of where the fire is, evacuations zones, etc.


Evacuation Centers:

Residents in Los Angeles County who’ve been ordered to vacate their homes can get a credit from Uber to get to an evacuation site. The $40 will only be valid for trips to an active shelter and by using the code WILDFIRE25




Donate to the California Fire Foundation:

(donations directly support victims of wildfires and disasters throughout California, including the L.A. County area)


Donate to the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation:

Click Here

(help equip firefighters battling the wildfires with items including emergency fire shelters, hydration backpacks & wildland brush tools)


Donate to the American Red Cross:

Click Here


Volunteer with the American Red Cross:


Donate Food, Clothing, Blankets, Pet Food & Other Necessities through the YMCA:

2 Locations:

Anderson Munger Family YMCA, 4301 W. 3rd St. in Los Angeles (doors close at 10pm); and

Koreatown YMCA, 433 S. Vermont Ave. , Los Angeles (doors close at 7pm)


LA Food Bank-Food Assistance after Fires, Earthquakes and other Disasters:
Donate Here


Volunteer to  Offer Temporary Foster Care for Dogs Displaced by the Fires:

Canine Rescue Club:

(volunteers to offer temporary foster care for dogs displaced by the fires)




LA TIMES List of places you can Volunteer:


Pasadena City College
What you’ll do:  Help receive items, sort and distribute goods.  They are also accepting bottled water donations.

When:  Friday, Jan. 10 and Saturday, Jan. 11, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Where:  Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena

Details:  @pcclancer on Instagram
Location:  1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106

Pasadena Community Job Center
What you’ll do:  Help receive items, sort and distribute goods.  They are also accepting donations — current needs include clothes (such as brand-new underwear),  Ziploc bags to sort donations, feminine products, Tylenol, Advil, cough syrup (including for kids) and Pepto-Bismol.

When:  Starting Friday at 4 p.m. Call the center to find out specific needs at (626) 440-0112.

Where:  Pasadena Community Job Center, 500 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101

Details: @pasadenajobcenter on Instagram
(626) 440-0112

L.A. Dream Center (Echo Park)
What you’ll do:  Pass out donations, direct traffic, sort clothes, prep meals. They are also accepting donations.

When:  Saturday and Sunday (Jan 11th & 12th), 8:50 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Where:  Dream Center Foundation, 2301 Bellevue Ave., Los Angeles, CA  90026

Details: @ladreamcenter on Instagram, email to sign up (you must sign a waiver before your shift).


Again, hoping you all stay safe, and let’s all work together to help  our community recover as soon as possible.  




Jeffrey R. Gund

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