Hispanic Families Who Use Verizon Wireless Wanted for Amazing Opportunity / Docu-Style Project!

Type of Project Documentary Project
Paid Project YES TBA
Audition Date / Time Now
Location Nationwide
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Hi everyone,


Here’s a great opportunity for HISPANIC FAMILIES WHO USE VERIZON WIRELESS to be part of an amazing opportunity and docu-style project!


Details are below – as always, feel free to forward if you know someone who might be interested, and be sure to mention I sent you for priority consideration!


Good luck, have a great day, and don’t forget to dream big!




Jeffrey R. Gund


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We are searching NATIONWIDE for HISPANIC FAMILIES WHO USE VERIZON WIRELESS to be part of an amazing opportunity and docu-style project!


We’re looking for families who are Hispanic and bi-lingual, with Spanish as a first language for this opportunity (one or two members can be English-Only speakers and/or non-Hispanic) – and also…


We’re looking for:

•  Families in which each member uses their phone in a different way

•  A family with a family member who primarily uses their phone for work

•  Biracial

•  Multigenerational

•  A family with relatives abroad (preferably in Mexico)

•  A family with a strong, shared passion point

•  A family with single parents

•  A family with sports fans who often experience them through their phones (streaming games, keeping up with news, using apps, etc.)

•  A family with family members who share their first name

•  A family with one or more adult relatives who may or may not live in the same household, but are still on the family plan


Interviews:  5/20-5/23, 2019  (via Skype or FaceTime)

Possible Second Interviews:  5/30 or 5/31, 2019

Must be available on:  6/3 – 6/8, 2019

Please inform us of any conflicts with these dates!


We are looking for MANY different families for this, so please SHARE this with your family and friends!


To be considered:

* You need to be an ACTUAL VERIZON WIRELESS customer.

* You MUST live in the United States.

*  Unfortunately, we CANNOT consider any ACTORS or anyone who has ever appeared in a commercial.



Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration, and email ALL the information requested below to:


Be sure to include:

1.  Your name (first and last)

2.  Contact phone number

3.  City/State where you live

4.  Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration!


You will receive an AUTO RESPONSE with full instructions on how to complete your submission!






Tiffany Company Casting está en búsqueda de clientes ACTUALES de VERIZON MÓVIL que utilizan la red para mantenerse CONECTADOS!


Pueden vivir en cualquier parte de los EEUU.




Buscamos personas con historias de conexión. ¿Cómo usa usted Verizon para mantenerse conectado?


Algunos ejemplos de lo que buscamos:


•  Alguien que cuente con la red para estar siempre al tanto de las vidas de sus familiares (en el extranjero o dentro de su país).
•  Alguien que tenga a un familiar militar y quiera asegurarse de poder estar siempre en contacto con dicha persona donde quiera que se encuentre, o alguien que sea militar y quiera asegurarse de estar siempre en contacto con sus familiares en todo momento.
•  Alguien que sea un “solopreneur” (emprendedor en solitario) móvil y cuente con la red para llevar a cabo transacciones.
•  Alguien que haya contado con la red en momentos de peligro cercano e inminente.
•  Alguien que sea bicultural y esté estrechamente vinculado con su cultura Hispana.


ENTREVISTAS PARA PRE-CLASIFICAR:   Lunes 20 a Jueves 23 de Mayo (via Skype / FaceTime)
SEGUNDA ENTREVISTA:  Jueves 30 o Viernes 31 de Mayo (via Skype / FaceTime)
DEBE ESTAR DISPONIBLE:  del 3 al 8 de Junio

Favor notificarnos de cualquier conflicto con estas fechas!


Buscamos varias personas para este proyecto.  Por favor comparta con su familia y amigos!

Gracias y esperamos su aplicación!


*Para ser considerado, debe ser un cliente ACTUAL de Verizon Móvil y vivir dentro de los Estados Unidos.
Desafortunadamente, NO podemos considerar actores ni gente que ha participado en comerciales!


Favor enviar un correo electrónico a verizon@tiffanycompanycasting.com y RECIBIRÁ un email con instrucciones para aplicar.



You may feel free to share this posting on other websites, groups, and via email to anyone you feel would be interested – however, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE ENTIRE POSTING WITH NO EDITING WHATSOEVER, including the intro from me at the top, this footer, and any advertising or other information present, crediting Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com as the source if re-posted on a website or other list.  You MAY also SHARE LINKS to this posting (and are encouraged to do so!) – via the buttons above, etc.  Posting or sharing InfoList DISCOUNT CODES on other websites, groups, etc. is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, as such information is for INFOLIST members only.  Thank you for respecting this requirement, so I can continue to bring you all the relevant industry information and discounts.  While InfoList does its best to confirm and validate all information posted, we are a service that posts information from other companies and individuals, and are not responsible for the content posted, or any errors, omissions, typos, etc.  Have a great day!  -Jeff
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