Hi everyone,
Here’s info on a powerful, FREE 2½ hour End-of-Year CAREER STRATEGY SEMINAR coming up on how to hit the ground running regarding your CAREER GOALS, PROJECTS & IDEAS IN 2022 – especially important at this time!
Whether you’re in front of or behind the camera, looking to transition or get to the next level, re-invent yourself, or even if you’re simply shy, quiet, or have confidence issues – THIS is the workshop for you!
Details are below – as always, feel free to forward if you know anyone who might benefit, and be sure to mention I sent you!
Good luck, have a great day, and don’t forget to dream big!
Jeffrey R. Gund
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• STUCK in Neutral? • FRUSTRATED? • SPINNING Your Wheels?
• Hit a BRICK WALL? • Need GUIDANCE & a FRESH Perspective?
at the popular & powerful
Effective Strategies to Help You Hit the Ground Running in 2022 & Get Your Goals on Track
ONLINE – so you can attend from ANYWHERE!
SUNDAY, December 5th, 2021
2pm – 4:30pm PST (5pm – 7:30pm EST)
Presented by
Master Strategist/Coach, Networking Expert & Former Talent/Lit Manager
(Founder of the award-winning Hollywood Networking Breakfast®, Women Helping Women in Entertainment, and the Los Angeles Film & TV Meetup (LAFTV). Ms. Lord is a key figure in facilitating access and connections in Hollywood and is known for her ingenious ideas, networking programs and groundbreaking events and opportunities. Lord is a master career strategist/coach and definitive networking expert, whose experience and success as a (former) talent and literary manager have enabled her to work with talent at various levels in film, television, new media, and music. Creatives from ACADEMY, EMMY, VMA, TELLY, GABRIEL, and CINE award winners and nominees to professional and EMERGING content creators have all sought her counsel and guidance, as well as her creative vision, with regard to their projects, overall career strategy, and effective networking, and have described her services as “LIFE CHANGING.”
PRO-ACTIVE CREATIVES AT ALL LEVELS in front of and behind the camera, looking to get to the next level, transition into a new area, start, advance, re-invent, or resurrect their careers, businesses, projects, ideas, or events.
• You are STUCK in neutral or hit a BRICK WALL
• The pandemic has immobilized you and PROCRASTINATION has become your best friend
• You need GUIDANCE and a FRESH PERSPECTIVE — you have no idea what the next step is or how to take the next step
• You need an ACTION PLAN to to take on 2021
• You HAVE REPRESENTATION, BUT are still not getting the opportunities you desire
• You LACK CONNECTIONS or don’t know how to effectively use the ones you have
• You need to get better at NETWORKING – especially now
• You have CONFIDENCE/SELF-ESTEEM ISSUES, or self-defeating behaviors holding you back
This no-holds barred FREE SEMINAR will provide LOTS of information, PRACTICAL tools, and MOTIVATION to help you TAKE ACTION, TAKE CHARGE of your career direction & TAKE ON 2022 with gusto & confidence – ON YOUR OWN!
Be sure to mention you heard about this from INFOLIST.com, and register for this FREE SEMINAR at the link below:
Once confirmed, Zoom access info will be emailed by the day before.
Please read TESTIMONIALS below & use the Google LINK (above) to RSVP. Thank you!
Be prepared to take extensive notes. NO RECORDINGS ALLOWED.
Space is limited — “first come, first served” with completed Google RSVP form.
For questions or more information:
Call: (323) 465-9800 or
Email: VIPLIST@hgenonline.com
“5 OUT OF 5 STARS! Sandra Lord’s Career Strategy Workshop is the best investment I’ve ever made in my TV Writing Career. In her workshop, I learned strategic industry insights, self-marketing tools and a targeted networking approach that have directly led to me signing with my Literary Manager and has attracted several A-List Producers to my work. I’ve paid top dollar to attend a lot of events, seminars and workshops designed to help you break into Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry. In terms of quality and tangible results, Sandra’s is by far the best. There is NOTHING else like this in town.” (excerpt from detailed 2-page testimonial of “11 major benefits” derived)
“Taking Sandra’s Career and Business Strategies Workshop has been one of the best professional decisions I have ever made. Sandra’s workshop helped me focus and create the opportunities that I wanted. I’m now turning down jobs that I would have felt obliged to take in the past out of fear. I expanded my professional network by approximately 800 contacts. I made more progress in my career in one year with Sandra Lord than I had in the last three without her. I would recommend her workshop to anyone looking to move their career forward, no matter how far they have already come. ” (excerpt from detailed testimonial)
“After taking Sandra Lord’s CCS Workshop, I had a stunning realization that all these years working in the entertainment industry, I had been playing checkers, when I should have been playing chess. Sandra taught me to play chess. She is the Garry Kasparov (the world’s greatest chess player) of the entertainment world. She taught me brilliant strategies — realistic, achievable moves — to succeed, to create the best goals, and to achieve those goals. For instance, through her teachings and guidance, I was able to craft an effective [successful “cold”] email to an international best-selling author [about a project]. These are the kind of practical, results-oriented strategies that chess Grandmaster, Sandra Lord, teaches. I recommend her workshop 1,000% to those who are serious about achieving their goals and becoming successful.”
— BO PALINIC – Producer [Segment Producer, Associate Producer, Clearance Supervisor]
“This course is MORPHEUS offering you the RED PILL and you take it…and now you can control the MATRIX.”
— NIKKI SYREETA – Writer, Reader, Logline Specialist
“Sandra’s workshop is a must for any serious person looking to take their career to the next level (maybe even a few levels). In her workshop, I learned how to strategically and effectively plan all aspects of my life. No matter the goal, no matter the job, no matter the nature of a meeting, Sandra will teach you how to approach any professional or personal problem with an easy solution. Let it be known that this easy solution may force you to take a step of faith into something outside your comfort zone. However, without stretching ourselves, we will remain doing the same. Sandra’s workshop helps you overcome that fear and confusion in order that you could open the flood gates of opportunities that are awaiting you in your career.”
— ROB WIESE, Director-Animator-Previs Artist – previs: Black Panther; Spiderman: Homecoming; Pacific Rim: Uprising
“If you missed this seminar you’re going to kick yourself. I left feeling empowered and clear of mind and ready. Sandra offered valuable insight into the how and why of our careers. Her panelists took the time to answer our questions during and after the seminar. Plus there was much networking done afterwards. Thank you.”
“It’s been more than a year since I attended your sessions. As a successful CEO, I’m normally jaded about success coaching. I’ve listened to, and indeed, hired dozens of speakers and coaches for my clients. Your approach, however, is very different. You have the ability to stimulate an inner sense of awareness that is truly unique… and effective. You sit on my shoulder every day… your wise words… your unselfish strength… your unfaltering ability to inspire… to teach… to help everyone you meet be a more successful person. Thank you for all you did and continue to do for me and everyone lucky enough to know you. Hugs.”
— DIANA S. ZIMMERMAN – Brand Strategist
“Sandra, I wanted to write you while ago to tell you about my “success story.” I’m happy and I’m moving in the right direction. After sending my boilerplate letter to agents and managers and getting responses sometimes after half an hour of sending the email, now I have an agent and a manager and I started auditioning for big casting directors. Hope you’re doing well to keep inspiring people. Thank you for everything.”
— SARAH NASRI – Actress, Producer
“I already had a strong background in moving pictures before I started this course but nevertheless, Sandra’s strategy has changed my perspective on everything from the way I present myself, to the way I look at projects and to mapping out my career as part of a complete journey… I brought a solid set of experience, skills and accomplishments with me to these workshops but those things were all packed up like baggage. Sandra Lord’s strategy showed me how to open these packages up and sort out what was really needed for each step on the path to the next level, then how to plan a route forward. Working through Sandra’s class has given me a change in attitude that has helped me underpin my skills with improved personal marketing, while nurturing better new collaborations and existing professional relationships. You get out of this workshop what you put into it and many times the outcome of an exercise isn’t obvious until you’ve had the experience. Giving 110% to all the homework—and there’s a lot of homework—pays dividends as there are no short cuts.”
“Sandra’s dynamic workshop challenged me to expect much more from myself as I take my career into a new realm. Since learning and applying her strategies, I’ve more than doubled my professional network and began accepting jobs at the producer level.”
— MICHAEL THURSTON – Reality TV Producer
“PROFOUND; ENLIGHTENING; MAGNIFICENT! Sandra Lord’s Career Strategy Workshop is life-changing! Sandra masterfully teaches you how to build your career, layer by layer. She has amazing insight into the entertainment industry and is a networking genius! You will receive the tools and guidance you need to greatly expand your network and create new, vital connections and significant opportunities. Best of all, the strategies learned in the workshop will re-define who you are as a person, inspiring you to set and accomplish your highest goals.”
— LAURA LEE BYRD, Producer-Writer-Marketing Manager, Fox’s 20th Television
“I was at your event [free seminar] on Sunday and I just wanted to let you know that your advice for when I call the studio was spot on. I made the call today and pitched the person directly that i wanted to talk to and it was all positive. I got to pitch three projects to the studio, so thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
— JANET SHERKOW, Producer/Actress/Voice Over Artist
“Sandra is a networking guru, and she gives students the tools to be more comfortable in their skin, so that networking no longer feels scary. I’m an introvert, and I can say honestly that because of Sandra’s class, I’ve embraced the power of networking so completely that it’s actually become fun for me. She taught us to identify our value and to stop taking it for granted. In addition to giving us the tools for developing our confidence, Sandra teaches invaluable career strategy. We learned to identify and organize realistic plans for approaching people that are out of our league, and nurture those connections. And I saw results almost immediately. Using Sandra’s tools, I got responses to introductory and query emails. I had meetings with producers and showrunners in my field, and invitations to stay in touch with them. During the course of the class, the group project that I directed, co-wrote and co-produced has already won international awards, including one for Best VFX. Additionally, I polished the pilot script and pitch bible of my own animated television series. I also connected with high-level talent including two nationally-known comedians attached as voices. And now I’m signed with a literary manager and getting ready to pitch the show! Sandra is passionate about helping others, and I’m forever grateful to her for being so generous with her talent, experience and wisdom.”
— SHARI B. ELLIS – Animation Writer, Production Manager
“This FREE event provided more insight than some of the paid events I’ve attended. Sandra shared some terrific advice.”
“Sandra’s class is one of the most inspiring and motivating classes you can find! With her perfectly thought-out system, Sandra knows how to help you break all your self-sabotaging habits. She pushed me over the edge where I just had to spread my wings and fly! This class has been life changing for me. Not only in my career but also in my personal life… The month I put exploring voice over work on my board, I booked two professional voice over jobs. Thank you Sandra for all these valuable [tools]! I am so grateful that I could be part of your class! It’s been an amazing adventure (excerpt from detailed testimonial).”
“I thought I needed an agent, what I actually needed was this workshop. .. I’m advancing faster than I ever have in my career [as a director]. In fact with these strategies all working together my career has taken a 180 degree turn… Among other things, “Sandra coached me in preparation for my initial meeting with a leading commercial production company. With her help I was able to demonstrate my skills and separate myself for a highly competitive directing job. Since then I’ve worked with this company on over a dozen projects, all based on that great first meeting.”
— TORY NELSON – Director
“I went through the 22 goals I put together for the first class and I have achieved 13 of them, and, for the most part, all of the ones that were really important to me (some of the others were goals that have changed or are not on my list anymore). Among them are: raised the money and produced the low budget feature comedy (still have 5 day of pickups, but got most of the film is in the can); raised the money and shot the sci-fi short; I am starting to be viewed in the industry as a respected Producer who fights for his team, which was one of my major goals this year; am in the middle of Line Producing a really amazing Documentary; there are others, but wanted to let you know how much this class, the other members in it and your support has meant to me and how far along I have come (which to be honest, when I went back to look at my list I was really surprised).”
— RON COHEN – Producer
“Life ALTERING. That’s my experience with Sandra’s workshop and the subsequent years after completion. Nothing has been the same for me. Once I learned the value of, not only setting goals, but strategically planning to reach them I was empowered to attain whatever I desired. The beauty of it to me is that what I learned is applicable in EVERY area of my life; business, health and fitness, relationships, personal finances, you name it. In fact, I have applied Sandra’s strategies in all of those areas. As a result of implementation and following through with what I’ve learned, my acting career has turned for the better and I’m currently in talks with some amazing individuals to start a film production company. I’ve also expanded my horizons — I’m in the beginning stages of launching an online health and fitness magazine and have also parlayed my resources into a thriving real estate re-development investment business. Even when there are rough patches I know I can strategically get out of them, I don’t panic I implement a plan. I truly could go on for pages upon pages of victories I’ve experienced since going through Sandra’s workshop. I’ve had no other experience like it!”
“NOT BE BE MISSED — A MIRACLE-WORKER FOR CREATIVES. SANDRA’S phenomenal workshop is a must do for anyone who wants to get specific tools to get their foot in the entertainment industry door or advance their career and reach a high level of success.”
— BEVERLEY GORDON, Producer-Attorney-Former Studio Executive
“Sandra Lord is a true entrepreneur, a dynamic speaker, and teacher. She’s generous with her knowledge and an inspiration for all that she’s accomplished and how she has transformed people’s careers! Sandra lights up the stage! Her creative passion, energy, and enthusiasm are contagious! Her free workshop empowered me in just a few hours! I can only imagine what one can accomplish by taking her workshop or training in private! Thank you so much, Sandra!”
— ADREANNA ROBBINS – Literary Manager
“Sandra Lord provided clear, concise and vigorous step-by-step guidance that radically changed the way I assess and approach both my personal and career goals.”
— MEERA KIM – Creative & Co-Executive Producer & VR Producer
“Thanks to the tools I learned in Sandra’s workshop, I got hired to write and produce a short film and was able to successfully negotiate for more money. Sandra finds what’s holding you back and teaches you how to get out of your own way to be successful in your career and life because it’s all connected.”
— KIM CURRIER – Comedy Writer & Producer
“Sandra Lord’s Strategy Course will definitely stir things up. Just answering the initial questionnaire she so beautifully has put together is a life-changing experience. You really need to dig into the truth of who you think you are versus who you truly are, so you can to start working on actual improvement (not just in your career or profession but in your personal life). Three months applying Sandra’s strategies and exercises and I hit the ground running! I accomplished most of the goals I had set for an entire year! My professional network has gone from 250 people to 1200 and I have had at least three meetings a week- all of them resulting in career advancement. I now have projects at Sony Pictures, Screen Gems, Sony TV, Sony Interactive-PlayStation, The Jim Henson Company, I am writing a script for one of the biggest Hollywood stars (can’t disclose names at this time), I am collaborating with a director that has many deals in place (Netflix, Amazon, etc) and the best of all, I am directing my first feature film! Believe me, if you put the time and the work you’ll definitely see results. No miracles sold. Just your own hard work. Only this time around you’ll have the best in town giving you actual results-oriented strategies, guidance, applicable feedback and advice. Thank you Sandra. You are truly the best!”
— EVA G. SZIGRISZT, Writer-Producer-Director
“I was feeling like I had lost momentum, my big dreams weren’t coming true. But with Sandra’s guidance, I learned how to set better goals, understand my brand, and grow my network. Now I’ve signed with an exciting new manager, reconnected with an A-list directing mentor, and written a promising feature to direct. PLUS I’m directing commercials full time, without feeling overwhelmed! This year’s not even over yet, and I’ve accomplished all the ambitious goals I set for myself. Thanks to Sandra, everything is in place for a successful year ahead.”
— FAWAZ AL-MATROUK – Writer/Director
Be sure to mention you heard about this from INFOLIST.com, and register for this FREE SEMINAR at the link below:
Once confirmed, Zoom access info will be emailed by the day before.
Be prepared to take extensive notes. NO RECORDINGS ALLOWED.
Space is limited — “first come, first served” with completed Google RSVP form.
For questions or more information:
Call: (323) 465-9800 or
Email: VIPLIST@hgenonline.com