Hi everyone,
Here’s some info for new filmmakers to have your SHORT FILMS SCREENED at the AMERICAN PAVILION AT CANNES in the Emerging Filmmaker Showcase!
As an exclusive special offer for INFOLIST.com, they’ve extended the entry deadline and given a discount – details are below!
As always, feel free to forward if you know any student or emerging filmmakers, and be sure to mention INFOLIST.com to take advantage of the extended deadline!
Good luck, have a great day, and don’t forget to dream big!
Jeffrey R. Gund
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The American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the Cannes Film Festival supports upcoming filmmakers by screening their films at The Pavilion during the Festival while providing an opportunity for these filmmakers to connect with the global audience at Cannes. This year marks the 31st year for The Pavilion serving as the primary focus of the American presence in Cannes.
About the Showcase:
Since 1989, The American Pavilion has offered opportunities in Cannes to film students from around the world. The 2019 Emerging Filmmaker Showcase will provide an opportunity for young filmmakers to have their work seen by Cannes Festival/Market attendees.
PRIZES will be awarded to filmmakers and the top twenty to twenty-five films will be screened in a special “Emerging Filmmaker” showcase at The American Pavilion in Cannes.
* Films accepted from all types of emerging filmmakers, including current undergraduate and graduate film school students.
* Films should be under 25 minutes in length.
* Open to ALL genres, narratives and documentaries, animated or live-action.
* Films can be sent via FilmFreeway or Withoutabox secure online screener platforms.
* The film must be available for exhibition as a streaming link format.
* Films must be completed in 2017, 2018 or 2019
* Visibility at the Cannes Film Festival.
* Films accepted will be projected as a digital streaming link at the American Pavilion in Cannes.
* Accepted films will be screened at a special screening in The American Pavilion during the Cannes Film Festival.
* Accepted films will be listed on promotional material at the Cannes Film Festival.
Important Dates:
Regular Entry deadline: extended to February 21, 2019 for INFOLIST.com! (normally January 12!)
Films must be registered by February 21, 2019.
PREMIUM and PRO InfoList Members can use the special links below and get $30 OFF!! The American Pavilion has extended the regular submission deadline for INFOLIST.com so you can submit by the Late Entry Deadline, and still get the Regular Entry Deadline price! That’s just $55 (normally $85!), if you submit your film no later than February 21, 2019.
UPGRADE NOW (or log in to your Premium/Pro Account) so you can take advantage of this special offer!
Or, skip the upgrade and pay regular price –
You can submit either via FilmFreeway OR WithoutABox:
To Submit via FilmFreeway:
Use the link below:
To Submit via WithoutABox:
1. Visit https://www.withoutabox.com/login/7267
2. Complete the remaining sections of the page, and then click on “Send Submission & Continue” to complete your submission.
If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact:
For other questions or more information about The American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at Cannes:
Please call: (310) 837-4500
OR email: showcase@ampav.com
OR visit our website: http://www.ampav.com/index.php/student-programs/cannes-emerging-filmmaker-showcase
Accepted Films for screening at Cannes will be announced: April 10, 2019
Winners will be announced at the Cannes Film Festival: May 2019