Hi everyone,
Here’s a great opportunity for PHOTOGENIC WOMEN AGE 45 – 60 WITH FINE LINES & WRINKLES or other skin concerns to participate in a photo shoot and get your photos taken with your makeup done by a renowned celebrity makeup artist as part of a market research project for a top beauty brand.
If selected, you’ll get PAID $250 for your participation, PLUS an amazing, fun photo shoot, PLUS a FREE Luxury Makeup Kit!
As always, feel free to forward if you know anyone who might be interested, and be sure to mention I sent you for priority consideration!
Good luck, have a great day, and don’t forget to dream big!
Jeffrey R. Gund
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We are searching for ALL TYPES of PHOTOGENIC WOMEN AGE 45 – 60 WITH FINE LINES & WRINKLES or other skin concerns who are in the greater Los Angeles area to participate in a photo shoot and get your photos taken with your makeup done by a renowned celebrity makeup artist as part of a market research project for a top beauty brand/cosmetics company.
If selected, you’ll get PAID $250 for your participation, PLUS an amazing, fun photo shoot, plus a FREE Luxury Makeup Kit!
We’re looking for PHOTOGENIC LADIES AGES 45 to 60 who are are experiencing ANY of the following:
– Fine lines & wrinkles
– Enlarged pores
– Texture issues
– Sallow color or mild pigmentation
– Dark circles under their eyes
You’ll have your make up done by a renowned make up artist using a line of innovate make up that takes years off your skin! PLUS, you’ll get PAID $250 – and a FREE LUXURY MAKE UP KIT!
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: Wedensday, April 11th, 2018
SHOOT: TWO Days on Monday and Tuesday, April 16th and 17th, 2018, in West Hollywood.
PAY: Those qualify must be able to be scheduled both dates in a West Hollywood Photo Studio – Appointment times will start at 9am and last one around 2pm. For Each visit you will receive $125 and your make up done by a renowned celebrity make up artist along with complimentary make up.
We’re looking specifically for the following SKIN TYPES
(i.e., the color of your facial skin without any makeup:
Naturally Red or Blond Hair, Blue/Grey/Green Eyes, Very Pale or pale white skin, Burns very easily and never tans.
Naturally Blonde/Red/Light Brown Hair, Blue/Grey/Green/Hazel Eyes, Pale White Skin, Burns easily rarely tans.
Naturally Chestnut or Dark Blonde Hair, Brown/Blue/Grey/Green/Hazel eyes, White or Light Brown Skin, Sometimes Burns but tans gradually.
Naturally Brown, Medium Brown or Dark Brown Hair, Hazel or Brown eyes, Medium Brown and Dark Brown skin, Hardly ever burns and tans very easily.
BROWN to DARK BROWN SKIN (Dark Brown Hair)
Naturally Dark Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Dark Brown Skin, Rarely burns and tans easily and quickly darkens.
Naturally Black hair, brown eyes, Black skin, Never burns and tans easily.
Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration, and email ALL the information requested below to:
Be sure to include:
1. Your name (first and last)
2. Age
3. Contact phone number
4. Occupation & Industry you work in
5. Are you a member of SAG or AFTRA? (Open to EVERYONE – you do not need to be member, but open to either union or non-union women)
6. Which of the SKIN TYPES (from categories above) are you submitting for?
7. Which of the following concern(s) do you have regarding your face:
Enlarged Pores ( ) Sallow Color ( )
Fine lines and wrinkles ( ) Dehydrated facial skin ( )
Texture Issues ( ) Mild pigmentation issues ( )
Dark circles ( )
8. Do you have any sensitivities to cosmetics or personal care products?
9. Do you have any of the following skin conditions on your face?
Eczema or Psoriasis on your face ( )
Facial Skin Cancer ( )
Facial Scarring ( )
Acne on your face ( )
10. Four or Five PHOTOS (jpg format please), including:
– Close Up of the face without make up
– Close Up of the LEFT side of your face (NOT a full profile angle from the side – a 45 degree angle is best)
– Close Up of the RIGHT side of your face (NOT a full profile angle from the side – a 45 degree angle is best)
NOTE: Photos must be close up without filters and clear photos that show any discolorations, fine lines or wrinkles and other skin concerns you may have.
– ALSO: 1 or 2 PHOTOS of yourself that you love (snapshots please / no headshots or professional photos)
11. Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration!