Families & Caregivers Wanted – Casting Online Informational Series

Type of Project Informational Online Videos
Paid Project YES $2,500 per person
Audition Date / Time Now
Location Southern California
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Hi everyone,


Here’s a great opportunity for PARENTS, CAREGIVERS AND THEIR KIDS (ages 5-17) located in the Southern California area to be cast in an online series of tutorials and how-to videos by The Child Mind Institute.


GREAT PAY – $2,500 per person!


Details are below – as always, feel free to forward if you know someone who might be interested, and be sure to mention I sent you for priority consideration!


Good luck, have a great day, and don’t forget to dream big!




Jeffrey R. Gund


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We are searching for PARENTS, CAREGIVERS AND THEIR KIDS (ages 5-17) located in the Southern California area to be cast in an online series of tutorials and how-to videos by the Child Mind Institute.


GREAT PAY – $2,500 per person!


Looking for ALL KINDS of families who speak either English or Spanish (or both!) –  Hablamos Español!


Good People Casting and The Child Mind Institute are looking for families and caregivers to be featured in an online series of testimonials, tutorials and how-to videos to help give children and parents mental health tools for dealing with emotions, stress and anxiety.


For this series, we are looking for all kinds of families to appear on camera to share their perspectives and experiences raising children or what it’s like growing up today.


Parents, caregivers and their kids are welcome to apply.  Does NOT need to be a ‘traditional’ family unit.


VERY interested in Spanish-speaking families as well!  Hablamos Español! (but not required)


Project:   Online Video series which will be featured on YouTube and Childmind.org.

Auditions:  Now through July 28th, 2023 (feel free to get in touch after the deadline in case we are still casting!)

Callbacks:  TBD

Filming:  Three week window during September, 2023 – specific dates TBD

PAY:  $2,500 per person ($1000/day of filming per person, and an additional $1500 per person for those who appear in the final edit)



Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration, and email ALL the information requested below to:


Be sure to include:

1.  Your name (first and last), and names for everyone in your family

2.  Ages for everyone under 18
3.  Contact phone number
4.  City/Zip where you live (should be SoCal area)

5.  Brief bio – please tell us a bit about your family
6.  2-3 recent photos (jpg format please)
7.  Links to any social media pages for members of your family

8.  Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration!


The Child Mind Institute is a non profit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders.



You may feel free to share this posting on other websites, groups, and via email to anyone you feel would be interested – however, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE ENTIRE POSTING WITH NO EDITING WHATSOEVER, including the intro from me at the top, this footer, and any advertising or other information present, crediting Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com as the source if re-posted on a website or other list.  You MAY also SHARE LINKS to this posting (and are encouraged to do so!) – via the buttons above, etc.  Posting or sharing InfoList DISCOUNT CODES on other websites, groups, etc. is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, as such information is for INFOLIST members only.  Thank you for respecting this requirement, so I can continue to bring you all the relevant industry information and discounts.  While InfoList does its best to confirm and validate all information posted, we are a service that posts information from other companies and individuals, and are not responsible for the content posted, or any errors, omissions, typos, etc.  Have a great day!  -Jeff
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