Hi everyone,
Here’s a great opportunity for ATV & UTV RIDERS WHO LOVE THE OUTDOORS to be cast in a commercial for Yamaha!
If selected, you’ll be PAID $1,200, PLUS receive an all expense paid UTV RIDE & CAMPING ADVENTURE TRIP!
Details are below – as always, feel free to forward if you know someone who might be interested, and be sure to mention I sent you for priority consideration!
Good luck, have a great day, and don’t forget to dream big!
Jeffrey R. Gund
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We are searching NATIONWIDE for ATV & UTV RIDERS WHO LOVE THE OUTDOORS to be cast in a digital commercial for Yamaha!
If selected, you’ll be PAID $1,200, PLUS an all expense paid UTV RIDE & CAMPING ADVENTURE TRIP!
We are looking for the following PAIRS/DUOS to submit:
COUPLES or TWO FRIENDS with experience riding ATVs and/or UTVs, who are outdoor enthusiasts and enjoy camping, hiking, ATVing, etc.
Open to people ages 28-45, all ethnicities, male and female.
Shoot: Likely 3 shootings days, and two travel days, October 1-5, 2018, at a location TBD – likely Idaho, Colorado, or Utah.
Pay: $1,200 ($300 per shoot day and $150 per travel day), PLUS an ALL-EXPENSES PAID UTV RIDE & CAMPING ADVENTURE TRIP, powered by the Yamaha Wolverine X2 and X4.
Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration, and email ALL the information requested below to:
Be sure to include:
1. Your name (first and last)
2. Contact phone number
3. City/State where you live
4. Recent photo(s) of you and your friend/significant other
5. You MUST submit a link to a VIDEO, made per the guidelines below
6. Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com for priority consideration!
Please film you and your significant other/friend answering the following questions in your video (together preferred).
Using your phone is fine – please hold the phone sideways/landscape when filming.
Then UPLOAD the video to YouTube, mark it UNLISTED (not private) and email us the link per the instructions above
Answer these questions in your video:
– What’s your name, how old are you, and where do you live?
– What kind of outdoor activities do you do for fun?
– Are your weekends spent outside? Are they usually spent outside, together?
– How much experience do you have riding ATVs and UTVs?
– Do you own an ATV or UTV, and if so, what model and year?
– What excites you about the potential to ride a Yamaha Wolverine?
– Are their features of the Wolverine you want to check out?
– What do you love about being outdoors?
– Do you have your own camping gear you are comfortable with and want to use?
– Anything else you want to tell us about your lifestyle and passion for the outdoors?